Now we will solve numerical the example:
Step 1 we found that dca = 212.67 m and dma = 72.34 m
Step 2 Find the values of tca and tma
Because dca < D |
we have tca = vc / ac = 14.58 s |
Because dma < D |
we have tma = vm / am = 3.47 s |
Step 3 Find the values of dc = 787.33 m and dm = 927.66 m
Step 4 Find the values of tc = 27 s and tm = 22.26 s
Step 5 Calculate the values of Tc = 41.58 s and Tm = 40.73 s
Step 6 Because Tc > Tm the motorcycle will win the race.
Now we will calculate the distance that the car did:
Because Tm = 40.73 s and tca = 14.58 s we have:
Tm > tca therefore dcar = 975.46 m
Notes: there are four possible schemes for the car and the motorcycle acceleration and steady speed motion that has to be analysed in order to solve the problem.
Note: Motorcycle delay time is positive, car delay time should be negative value - Ex5. *** all the results values are in [m] and [s].