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Matrices overview

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Calculator Types Addition Determinants Transposed Inverse Rank
Rotation Eigenvalues Scaling

The notation of a matrix of size (m n) is defined as     A(m n) = A(rows, columns)

A convenient shorthand which offers considerable advantage when working with system of linear equations is by using the matrix notation. Consider the set of linear equations of the form:
Linear set of equationsn
In matrix notation these equations may be represented as:
    Linear set of equationsn in matrix form
   or     AX = C
The terms of the matrix can be represented as:
Short representation of matrices
Distributive law
Left side      A(B + C) = AB + AC

Right side    (A + B)C = AC + BC
A(m n)     B and C (n p)

A and B (m n)     C(n p)
Associative law
Addition    (A + B) + C = A + (B + C)

Multiplication        (AB)C = A(BC)
(m n)

(n n)
Scalar multiplication (kA)B = A(kB) = k(AB)     A(m n)      B(n p)
    k any number
Commutative law
Addition       A + B = B + A

Multiplication        not commutative
A and B (m n)

Because    A∙B ≠ B∙A
Other algebraic laws

(k, v are constants)
0 + A = A k(A + B)= kA + kB
1 · A = A (k + v)A = kA + vA
0 · A = 0 k(vA) = (kv)A
A + (−A) = 0 kA = 0    →    k = 0   or   A = 0
(−1)A =  A
Matrices powers

(c is constant)
Matrices powers Matrices powers

Matrices Types

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Matrices types

Matrices addition and multiplication

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Matrices addition:   A and B are of the same size    m × n
Matrices addition
Scalar multiplication:
Scalar multiplication
Matrices multiplication     A (m × n) ∙ B (n × p) = C (m × p)
Matrices multiplication
Matrices multiplication example
Matrices multiplication example


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Determinants - symbol:     det A or |A|
The result of the determinant of a matrix (n ⨯ n) is a real number.
Size 2 matrix
Size 3 matrix
General form to evaluate determinant values:

In this formula Min is the determinant of the submatrix of A obtained by deleting its ith row and nth column. The determinant Min is called the minor of the element ain and his size
is (n-1) ⨯ (n-1).

Cofactors of matrix Aij
It is convenient to consolidate the quantity (-1)i+j and the minor Mij . We define the cofactor Aij of the element aij in determinant A as: Aij = (-1)i+jMij
Determinant’s properties:
Example: Find the value of the determinant:
det A = 1 (1 * 2 − (- 1)(- 1))-(-2)(2 * 2 - (-1)(-2)) + 3 (2 * (-1) - 1 * (-2))
det A = 1 (2 − 1) + 2 (4 − 2) + 3 (− 2 + 2) = 5

Transposed matrix     AT

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Transposed matrix AT
Interchange of terms across the main diagonal
Transposed matrices properties:
Find the transposed of the matrix.
Note: The transposed size of an m ⨯ n matrix is n ⨯ m.

Inverse matrix     A-1

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Inverse matrix A-1 = B
The matrix A is inversible if there is a matrix B so that:
AB = BA = I   then the matrix B is the inversed matrix of A.
Matrix  I   is the unit matrix. Thus the solution of   A X = B   can be written in the form   X = A-1 B   (where A is an  n x n  matrix and  X  and  B  are  n x 1  matrices).
Inversed matrices properties:
Example: Find the inverse of matrix A
1. Add the unit matrix at the right:
2. Multiply first row by -2 and add it to the second row then multiply first row by -4 and add it to the third row to obtain:
3. Add second and third rows to obtain:
4. Subtract third row from second row:
5. Finally multiply third row by 2 and add it to the first row and multiply third row by -1 to get the unit matrix:
And the inverse of A is:

Rank of a matrix A

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Rank of matrix A
A square matrix is said to be non-singular, if its determinant is not zero. The rank of an  m ⨯ n  matrix is the largest integer  r  for which a non-singular r ⨯ r  submatrix exists. If  A  and  B  are an  n ⨯ n  matrices then:   rank(A + B) ≤ rank A + rank B
Example: Find the rank of matrix A (4X3).
1. Multiply first row by 2 and add it to the second row.
2. Multiply first row by -3 and add it to the third row.
3. Subtract fourth row from the first row to get:
4. Add second row to the third row.
5. Subtract fourth row from second row to obtain:
6. Add 2nd row to the 3rd row.
7. Add 3rd row to the 4th row to get:
8. Remove the all 0 row to get the final 3 X 3 matrix.

And the rank of matrix A is 3.

Scaling Matrices

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Enlarging or shrinking a vector can be done by multiplying the vector by the diagonal matrix of the form:

Scaling matrix
If   a = b = c > 1
Then the vector is enlarging equally in all directions.
If   a = b = c < 1
Then the vector is shrinking equally in all directions.
If   a ≠ b ≠ c
Then the vector is scaling in different sizes in the x, y and z directions.